Policy Updates

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UPDATE: Paid Holidays

We have updated the questionnaire to provide for a choice between Columbus Day and Indigenous People's Day. Neither holiday has to be chosen, but both cannot.

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UPDATE Publicity/Statements to the Media

We have updated this policy for textual consistency to further clarify that the prohibition is limited to speaking on behalf of the company.

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New Mexico Pregnancy Accommodations

We have updated this policy to revise the information contained in the “Explain this to me” notes related to notice requirements unrelated to handbook policies. We have also revised the notes and policy for stylistic consistency.

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UPDATE: New York Jury Duty Leave

We have updated the logic underlying this policy to ensure that it only populates for employers with 10 or more employees nationally. 

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UPDATE Rhode Island: Paid Temporary Caregiver Insurance Benefits and Leave

We are updating this policy to reflect increases in the maximum number of weeks to which employees are eligible effective in 2025 and 2026. We are also making additional stylistic edits for consistency.

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UPDATE Connecticut Paid Sick Leave

We have updated this policy to reflect an upcoming expansion of the paid sick leave law effective January 1, 2025.

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UPDATE Artificial Intelligence

We have updated this policy to ensure that all variables are populating correctly. We are also making changes to the policy for stylistic consistency.

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UPDATE: Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits

We have updated this policy with a small change regarding the limits on Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits and paid time off to comply with agency guidelines. It was also revised for stylistic consistency.

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UPDATE Rhode Island Overtime

We have revised the Explain This to Me note regarding the determination of the workweek for non-exempt employees. We have also made changes to the policy for stylistic consistency.

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UPDATE Connecticut: Leave for Family or Domestic Violence

Effective October 1, 2024, the Connecticut Family Violence Leave Law also will cover employees who are victims of sexual assault. We have updated this policy accordingly.

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